One of them was chosen as Daily Deviation at PC Design by 'gas13 - Please download this remarkable piece of Isometric Pixel Art to fully appreciate the work and amazing detail with animation second to none. Truly a masterpiece, a worthy inclusion in anyone's favorites. (Featured by ^ShoneGold)
November 2005
If you lay out a mikrochip behind the window you'll see a tiny Silippine people from Sandos planet settling on it.
March 2004
My submission to Isocity and Ourcall. Took me 2 days off and on to complete.
It was chosen as Daily Deviation at Osmi home by *gas13 offers ripe saturated colors and detail in a piece that looks as if it came right out of children's apologue. Every pixel is lovingly placed to give you a look into a home not of this world! (Featured by ^halfliquid)